Link to pedigree pending Click for Picture post thaw motility 31%
Link to pedigree pending
Post thaw motility 52% Click for Picture
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Blue Mountain Genetics is based out of Colorado Springs, CO when not on collection route.
Please contact us for delivery options. We deliver free to the ADGA Convention and National Show (should we be attending). There's also a chance we might be traveling past you or someone you trust who can take delivery. Alternatively, you can ship us a tank into which we'll place your order of straws and then ship it back to you. Turnaround for this service is typically 5 days or less and you'll need to pay for shipping both ways.
Click on the buck's name for a quick link to ALL STRAWS SOLD IN LOTS OF 5 OR 10, no exceptions.
Blue Mountain Farm, Inc. and its processors, have the right to refuse service to any one, or for a specific animal or herd at their discretion | Blue Mountain Farm, Inc reserves the right to terminate marketing a buck at any time. All sales are final no refunds or replacements. Blue Mountain Farm, Inc. is not liable for any loss or damage to transported, stored, or marketed semen. Straws damaged or lost while in our care are subject to a maximum of $5 per straw reimbursement. Copyright © 2020 Blue Mountain Genetics - All Rights Reserved.